With the new strip plates for immunological applications, BRAND extends their product range of BRANDplates® microplates.
BRANDplates® 96-well strip plates are very flexible as you use only that number of cavities that you need. Depending on the application, strip plates with and without grid are available. Select from high-binding or medium-binding versions:
OmmunoGrade™ high binding capacity (high-binding), ideal for IgG and molecules with hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions
pureGrade™ medium binding capacity (medium-binding), somewhat more hydrophobic than immunoGrade™
Strip plates without grid
for processing 12 strips of 8 wells each. Individual strip can be removed from the frame and reinserted. The strips are not separable.
Strip plates with grid
for 12 strips of 8 wells each, F-floor, separable. Individual strips are removable from the plate and can be reinserted. The strips can be divided into 8 individual vessels and can be inserted individually into the frame plate.
PureGrade™ (medium binding) and immunoGrade™ (high binding) standard plates see here.