Robust, universal binocular microscopes, upgradeable with photo tube, phase contrast device, dark field condenser, micrometer equipment, plana-chromatic objective, ca. 20 models.
10x planokulars, achromatic objectives 4×/NA 0.10; 10×/NA 0.65; 100×/NA 1.25 oil-immersion, XY-table, ABBE-condenser, adjustable illumination.
as MBL2000, but with cold light illumination, photo tube, dark field condenser.
Photo tube, planokulars 10×, objectives: 4×, 10× and 40× infinitively plana-chromatic, phase contrast 20×, illumination, great table distance.
Photo tube, plana-chromatic objectives: 4×, 10× and 40×, oculars: planokular: 10×, illumination, XY-table.