Main -> Measuring systems -> Electrochemistry -> pH electrodes, buffer solutions, accessories
Electrode Accessories, METTLER TOLEDO

For measuring electrodes with S7 connecting head.

PlugOrder No.
(1)AS-CO/1.2 m/DIN1.2DIN61 50 00001
(2)AS-CO/1.2 m/BNC1.2BNC61 50 00004


For connection of reference electrodes with S7 connecting head.

PlugOrder No.
AS-CO/1.2 m/4 mm1.24 mm61 50 00015
AS-CO/1.2 m/2 mm1.22 mm61 50 00016


For pH electrodes with integrated temperature probe and MultiPin head or ISM electrodes.

PlugOrder No.
(3)AS-MP/1.2 m/DIN/4 mm1.2DIN + 4 mm61 50 00005
AS-MP/1.2 m/BNC/4 mm1.2BNC + 4 mm61 50 00011
(4)AS-MP/1.2 m/DIN/Cinch1.2DIN + Cinch61 50 00007
AS-MP/1.2 m/BNC/Cinch1.2BNC + Cinch61 50 00009
ISM multipin2.0BNC/Cinch10 50 04291

5 Electrolyte and cleaning solutions
UseOrder No.
KCI 3 mol/l250Electrodes with ARGENTHAL®-
reference system
61 50 90302
KCI 3 mol/l saturated with AgCI250Electrodes with Ag/AgCI-
reference system
61 50 90301
FRISCOLYT-B®250Low temperature measurement,
protein media
61 50 90305
Pepsin/hydrochloric acid250Diaphragm cleaner for
61 50 90317
Thiourea solution250Diaphragm cleaner for
silver sulfide
61 50 90318
InLab storage solution250Storage solution for electrodes10 50 01142
Pepsin/HCl6×250Cleaner for proteins10 50 05061
Thiourea solution6×250Cleaner for silver sulfide10 50 05062
All-in-One Kit 1each 250PepsinHCl/InLab storage solution/KCl 3 mol/l
Calibration solution pH 4.01/7.00/9.21
10 50 05314
All-in-One Kit 2each 250PepsinHCl/InLab storage solution/KCl 3 mol/l
Calibration solution pH 4.01/7.00/10.01
10 50 05315

5 Redox buffer solutions with quality certificate
UH at 25 °CTolerance ±
Order No.
427 mV5725061 50 90211
468 mV50.125061 50 90217

5 pH buffer solutions with quality certificate

Technical pH buffer solutions and buffer solutions according NBS/DIN 19266.

pH value at 25°CTypeVolume
ToleranceOrder No.
2.00technical250±0.0261 50 90101
4.01technical250±0.0261 50 90102
7.00technical250±0.0261 50 90104
9.21technical250±0.0261 50 90105
10.00technical250±0.0261 50 90126
11.00technical250±0.0261 50 90127
1.679NBS/DIN 19266250±0.01561 50 90121
4.006NBS/DIN 19266250±0.01561 50 90122
6.865NBS/DIN 19266250±0.01561 50 90123
7.413NBS/DIN 19266250±0.01561 50 90124
9.180NBS/DIN 19266250±0.01561 50 90125
10.012NBS/DIN 19266250±0.01561 50 08250
4.01/7.00/9.21Rainbow Kit 1each 2×25010 50 05312
4.01/7.00/10.01Rainbow Kit 2each 2×25010 50 05313
4.01/7.00/9.21All-in-One Kit 1each 25010 50 05314
4.01/7.00/9.21All-in-One Kit 2each 25010 50 05315

6 Buffer solutions in sachets for single use

Sachets always provide fresh, unused, contamination free buffer solution. Storable for two years unopened. With quality certificate (download Box with 30 sachets.

pH value at 25°CVolume
ToleranceOrder No.
4.0130×20±0.0261 50 02069
7.0030×20±0.0261 50 02047
9.2130×20±0.0261 50 02070
10.0130×20±0.0261 50 02079
4.01/7.00/9.211)30×20±0.0261 50 02068
4.01/7.00/10.011)30×20±0.0261 50 02080
2.0030×2010 50 01134
11.0030×2010 50 01135
4.006 NBS/DIN buffer30×2010 50 01136
6.856 NBS/DIN buffer30×2010 50 01137
9.180 NBS/DIN buffer30×2010 50 01138
10.012 NBS/DIN buffer30×2010 50 01139

1) each 10 pieces

Conductivity standard solution with quality certification
Conductivity at 25°CVolume
Tolerance ±
Order No.
10 µS/cm250110 50 00169
84 µS/cm500161 50 02153
1413 µS/cm30×20161 50 02049
1413 µS/cm250161 50 01138
1413 µS/cm6×250161 50 01259
12.88 mS/cm30×20161 50 02050
12.88 mS/cm250161 50 01139
12.88 mS/cm6×250161 50 01260
5 µs/cm25010 50 04617
1.3 µs/cm25010 50 00847
84 µS/cm30×2010 50 01140
10 µS/cm30×2010 50 01141

7 Solutions for ionselective electrodes (perfectION)
Typefor ion/electrodeContents
Order No.
ISA solution 1Ag+, CI-, Cu2+, I-47510 50 04760
ISA solution 2Ca2+47510 50 04761
ISA solution 3K+47510 50 04762
ISA solution 4NO3-47510 50 04763
ISA solution 5F-47510 50 04765
Calibration and ionic standard 1000 mg/lAg+50010 50 04770
Calibration and ionic standard 1000 mg/lCa2+50010 50 04771
Calibration and ionic standard 1000 mg/lCI-50010 50 04772
Calibration and ionic standard 1000 mg/lCN-50010 50 04773
Calibration and ionic standard 1000 mg/lCu2+50010 50 04774
Calibration and ionic standard 1000 mg/lF-50010 50 04775
Calibration and ionic standard 1000 mg/lI-50010 50 04776
Calibration and ionic standard 1000 mg/lK+50010 50 04777
Calibration and ionic standard 1000 mg/lNa+50010 50 04778
Calibration and ionic standard 1000 mg/lNO3-50010 50 04779
Calibration and ionic standard 1000 mg/lPb2+50010 50 04780
Calibration and ionic standard 1000 mg/lS2-50010 50 04781
Electrolyte ACa2+, F-, S2-5 × 6010 50 04750
Electrolyte BCI-, CN-, Pb2+, Ag+/S2-5 × 6010 50 04751
Electrolyte CAg+5 × 6010 50 04752
Electrolyte DCu2+, I-5 × 6010 50 04753
Electrolyte EK+5 × 6010 50 04754
Electrolyte FNO3-5 × 6010 50 04755
Calibration and ionic standard 100 mg/lF-50010 50 00851
Calibration and ionic standard 10 mg/lF-50010 50 00852
Calibration and ionic standard 100 mg/lCI-50010 50 00853
Calibration and ionic standard 10 mg/lCI-50010 50 00854
Calibration and ionic standard 100 mg/lCa2+50010 50 00855
Calibration and ionic standard 10 mg/lCa2+50010 50 00856
Calibration and ionic standard 100 mg/lNa+50010 50 00857
Calibration and ionic standard 10 mg/lNa+50010 50 00858
Calibration and ionic standard 1000 mg/lNH4+50010 50 00859
Calibration and ionic standard 100 mg/lNH4+50010 50 00860

8 VPac™ pH-Performance Verification-Kit

Easy and reliable checking or certifying of pH measuring systems. Carry out the test and transmit the results online: Within seconds, you'll receive the detailed results and an individual certificate of conformity. Suitable for all pH measuring systems of all manufacturers.

ArticleOrder No.
VPac™ Verification Kit10 50 00849