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ESD Swabs, neoLab®

ESD swabs with a surface resistance of 1 × 106 Ω ≤ Rs ≤ 1 × 1010 Ω.

The swabs are made of polyurethane foam with 100 ppi, or of polyester. The head is fastened to the stem without glue. The swabs are suitable for a wide range of applications, such as cleaning lenses, sensors, semiconductors and microchips; they are also fit for use in cleanrooms.

Head shapeHeadStem L
Overall L
Order No.PU
(1)acutePP, 6 × 2.4 mm Ø 69 7510 01 21057100
(2)flatPU, 12 × 3.5 mm 58 7010 01 21058100
(3)acute-conicalPU, 10 × 3.3 mm Ø 65 7510 01 21059100
(4)flatPE, 8 × 3.2 mm 60 6810 01 21060100
(5)flatPE, 15 × 6.2 mm14516010 01 21061100
(6)paddel shapedPU, 15 × 6.5 mm14516010 01 21062100