Main -> Glass construction, glass equipment -> Glass components, grounded joint components -> Standard ground components, threaded components
PTFE-Seals for Cones and Sockets, Rettberg

PTFE seals for cones and sockets made of pure virgin PTFE prevent seizing-up and create a gas-tight and liquid-tight joint between standard ground (NS) glass components. Practical, handy knurled grip allows easy separation of ground glass joints.
Vacuum tight without seal grease.

for ground joint NSOrder No.for ground joint NSOrder No.
 1024 70 10010 4524 70 10045
 12.524 70 10012 6024 70 10060
 14.524 70 10014 7124 70 10070
 18.824 70 10018 8524 70 10085
 29.224 70 1002910024 70 10100
 34.524 70 10034